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In the previous training tip, we discussed form shooting fundamentals. Be sure to read through the basics of form shooting before attempting the drills below. When consistently practiced, the form shooting drills outlined below will provide you strong form shooting skills.




Shoot the ball up in the air to self with it landing a couple feet in front of feet. Proper backspin should bring the ball back to shooter.


Sit in a chair with good posture. From this position shoot the ball up in the air with it landing a couple feet in front of feet. Proper backspin should bring the ball back to shooter. This drill really helps start the shot in the “shooting pocket.”


Laying on back, shoot the ball up in the air with the goal to have the ball come straight back down to “shooting pocket.” Focus should especially be on great wrist action and backspin.


Align yourself with the side/edge of the backboard standing 2-3 feet away from edge of backboard. Shoot the ball to the edge of backboard trying to hit it square so the ball comes straight back to you. A ball that is shot even slightly to the left or right will bounce in that direction. This will give you feedback that your shot was not perfectly straight.


Same as edge shooting except you align yourself with the corner of the backboard. This is where the edge of the backboard and the face of the backboard connect forming a corner. This simply increases the precision of shooting the ball straight.


Align yourself with the front of the rim standing 2-3 feet away from the front of the rim. Concentrate on shooting with perfect form and form shoot to the basket without hitting any part of the rim. It must be a perfect swish. This drill can be done with shooting hand only or with both shooting hand and guide hand. The goal can be 10 total made perfects, 10 perfects in a row, 10 one-hand perfects and 10 regular perfects, etc.


This form shooting drill is done with shooting hand only but can be done with using guide hand if needed. Start in front of the rim as you would with Perfects. When you make a perfect from that spot you step back to the middle of the lane and shoot until you make a perfect. When you make a perfect from the middle of the lane your next spot is the free throw line and then the 3 point line. When you make a perfect from the 3 point line you move back to the free throw line, middle of lane, and front of the rim to finish. You count the total number of shots it takes you to complete the drill making sure you make a perfect from all 7 spots (front, mid-lane, free throw, 3 point, free throw, mid-lane, front) and don’t move to the next spot until a perfect is made from the previous spot. A challenging goal would be to complete the drill in 14 or less shots. The distance and number of spots for this drill can be modified for younger or more advanced players.


This form shooting drill is done with shooting hand only but can be done with using guide hand if needed. Start in front of rim as you would with the Perfects Challenge. There are four spots which includes front of rim, middle of lane, free throw line, and 3 point line. The goal is to make 10 in a row from the front of the rim, 7 in a row from mid-lane, 5 in a row from free throw line, and 3 in a row from the 3 point line. A missed shot results in those shots scored against you and starting over from 0 at that spot until you make that number in a row. Once you make the number required at that spot in a row you move back to the next spot. For example, if at the first spot you are to make 10 in a row and miss on your 7th shot, you start that spot all over and have 7 points against you. If you are then at mid-lane and miss on your 4th shot you add 4 more points to your total. The goal is to complete the drill with the least amount of points. The distance and number of shots in a row can be modified for younger players.

Note that in all form shooting drills, the focus is on every shot being completed with perfect form as described above.