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Basketball team player development tipsMany students have asked for advice over the years on how they can improve as players. Often times, the advice provided is not what they want to hear because significant improvement comes at a sacrifice.


Below are 12 tips that I have found absolutely critical for any player seeking to dramatically improve their game.

12 Tips for Effective Player Development

1. Trust the Process
It cannot be cheated.

2. Commit to the Process
There are no easy shortcuts to success.

3. Embrace the Details
Greatness is found here.

4. Train Full Speed or No Speed
Your work ethic will carry you.

5. Learn to Conquer Fatigue
Fatigue causes compromise.

6. Make an Investment in Time
How serious are you about developing as a player?

7. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
No substitute for the repeated execution of proper technique.

8. Persevere with a No Regrets Mindset
Looking back on a life unfulfilled is no way to live.

9. Be a Student of the Game
Read, study, and understand all you can about the game you love.

10. Make Poise and Self-Control your Reputation
Emotion out of control will inhibit your progress.

11. Lead by Example
The game needs leaders who will serve their teammates and live what they believe.

12. Commit your Ways to God
Only through Him will you truly reach your full potential.